Thursday, July 9, 2015

#RockTheCropTop: The Revolution

So. If you haven't already seen, Oprah Magazine published a Q&A section that blatantly told women that "if - AND ONLY IF - you have a flat stomach, should you try wearing a crop top."

Did I hear that correctly? Wait. pump the brakes.


I can't believe that we have seemingly regressed so far back in our body-positive attitude. It's 2015, babes! We're finally seeing "real women" (and I hesitate to even use quotation marks there because what defines a REAL woman?) in media, "plus-size model" is becoming less of a term (thankfully we just call them MODELS now), and women are generally moving in a direction where they're beginning to become comfortable with their bodies after years of body-shaming from media and society.

So, WHAT IN THE WORLD, O MAGAZINE? I am so utterly disappointed to see this in a publication that previously had such a body-positive audience, and had such an esteemed reputation.

Now, here's the good part about all this mess. Women are speaking up AND using their body-positive voice to showcase that they can't be told what to wear or how to feel about themselves based on body-type. Yesterday the internet exploded when all types of women, advocates, and bloggers alike took the Net to share their thoughts on the matter by using the hashtag #rockthecroptop and #pullingoffacroptop. Head over to the hashtags on Instagram or Facebook and you'll see beautiful women of every shape and size wearing a crop top and showing their figure - and YES - they're joyful about how they look! And that's what counts.

To my dear women - PLEASE continue to wear what makes you feel good, and continue to kick ass while doing it.

In love and crop tops,